Membership Benefits




Our member benefits include effective global networking, business strategy development, project management, operations implementation, and expert guidance to lead to a successful and profitable business expansion.

Our highly qualified and experienced advisory council members are always on hand to support, guide and advise on the strategy, planning, implementation and maintenance of your projects. Our vast network of national and international contacts will act as a knowledge reservoir that you are encouraged to tap into.

The highly motivated and skilled staff at the ICAOI are at your service to provide the best pathway forward for your Business. Our one-to-one bespoke range of services are delivered in the most sustainable, and effective way.

At the ICAOI, our contacts are your contacts. Regular networking events, training and education seminars and social events will provide you and your staff with the opportunity to interact with like-minded entrepreneurs and build key relationships. Our national and international network will support and work with you to maximise the opportunities that the ICAOI membership offers.


Industry & Commerce Association - Ireland

building sustainable business partnerships and fostering cultural understanding