Who We Are

Case Studies
We bring the right people together to Drive Transformation
For years the Irish cream liqueur category was waiting for a premium player to join the mix. It wasn’t until we and a small team of innovative people set out to make Coole Swan, the superior Irish cream, that this call was answered. We blended a single malt Irish whiskey with real Belgian white chocolate and fresh dairy cream to create a unique taste experience that is both smooth and refreshing and never disappoints.
"Upon the brimming water among the stones are nine and fifty swans” W.B. Yeats The name Coole Swan was inspired by The Wild Swans at Coole, a poem written by one of Ireland’s great romantic poets" W.B. Yeats.In this poem Yeats writes about finding everlasting beauty in an ever-changing world – just like our wonderful Irish Cream Liqueur. Coole Swan an eternal beauty (we just bottled it).
Shannon Green Nutrition is made with premium Irish milk powder blended with quality ingredients, vitamins and minerals specially designed to support the immune system. Our products focuses on the health and needs of our bodies throughout the various stages of our life. As we get older, good nutrition becomes more and more important. Shannon Green nutrition is exclusively manufactured in Ireland, a world leading milk producer, known for its non-GMO cows grazing on fresh green grass producing premium quality milk products.
The history of the Powerscourt Estate can be traced back to the 9th century to a territory that stretches across fertile plains and rugged mountainous land. Known in native Gaelic tongue as “FeraCulann” or Fercullen, it is located in the foothold of the Wicklow mountains, close to Dublin. Ownership has been claimed by many over the centuries, from the native Clans of O’Toole and O’Byrne, to the Norman house of LePoer (who built a castle here and from whom the Estate takes its name.) In the early 17th century Powerscourt was gifted by Queen Elizabeth I to a favoured army general, Sir Richard Wingfield. The nearby village of Enniskerry came into being as a part of the Powerscourt Estate to house tenants who worked the land in the area.
LONGi leads the solar PV industry to new heights with product innovations and optimised power-cost ratio with breakthrough monocrystalline technologies. LONGi supplies more than 30GW of high-efficiency solar wafers and modules worldwide yearly, about a quarter of global market demand. LONGi is recognised as the world’s most valuable solar technology company with the highest market value. Innovation and sustainable development are two of LONGi’s core values.